Kale can provided an ideal feed in the Autumn or Winter.
Kale is a well proven fodder crop providing high yields and an utilization period right through to March. The crop has high crude protein content, good winter hardiness and can be fed to cattle and sheep. It can be either grazed in situ or be cut and fed to stock in the sheds.
Jordan Agri Ltd when dealing with farmers who require a low cost winter forage can supply all the inputs, seed, chemical fertiliser for this crop.
Ensure all diets are properly balanced.

Maris Kestral
Maris Kestrel Kale is a full maturity leafy kale variety with short low-fiber stems, high protein and high digestibility. It has good cold tolerance making it perfect for late season forage well into the Autumn months providing a perfect food source late in the season. The kale greens are never bitter, and after hard frosts become very sweet making them highly desirable.
Keeper is very winter hardy and exhibits good lodging resistance. Keeper is a medium/short type ideal for fattening lambs and providing high quality winter keep.
Caledoian is resistant to clubroot disease which is ideal where a break crop is inappropriate. It creates a large leafed, Winter hardy canopy.
Granpian L
This is a new variety which will produce excellent autumn or winter feed for both sheep and cattle. Grampian L exhibits very high dry matter yields combined with some club root resistance.
For more agronomy information regarding seed variety, rate, herbicide, and nutrients please contact our Team of experts as these change on an annual basis.
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