Jordan Agri Ltd works closely with our suppliers to provide you with the very best minerals for your animals. We provide a comprehensive range of minerals to cater for all livestock and farming situations.
Our products include
Bagged Minerals
TMR Minerals ( Total Mix Ration )
Molassed Mineral buckets licks
Jordan Agri Ltd in association with Harbro’s innovative high quality livestock solutions, focus on improving animal performance and your profitability.
Super Suckler SEC is a high specification mineral designed to raise blood mineral and trace element levels to support good calving and strong bulling:
Promotes easy calving
Improves milk
Boosts calf vitality and immunity
Prepares cow for next service
“It is unbelievable how tight calving has been this year; it has done something amazing to my cows, these licks do work.”
Aids prevention of twin lamb disease. Improves colostrum quality. Helps produce strong, healthy lambs
Designed to provide instant energy and meet the high nutritional demands of the ewe during late pregnancy, providing the lamb with vital early nutritional support.
Energy and nutrient support for the early stages of foetal growth and immunity
Molassed feed bucket that provides instant energy and essential nutrients to support rumen function, forage digestion and utilisation to ensure your flock retains the required body condition.
Provimi provides quality premixes, pre-starters, starters and concentrates, together with speciality products for the intensive livestock sector.
Provimi’s extensive product range has been developed through years of research within in house research facilities, external centres of excellence and in market.
Provimi have built a large and loyal customer base through:
Providing superior nutritional and technical input.
Delivering relevant products and innovation to the industry, through continuous research and development.
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